Services / HOT Assessments

HOT Assessments

The purpose of a HOT Assessment is to provide an analysis of one or more operational units and the operational integrity of their owner. The HOT assessment will generate in-depth information on the experience and ability of the organisation by assessing the quality and quantity of the Human, Organizational and Technology (HOT) elements.

Human relates to recruitment, staff suitability, competence and training, responsibility and accountability with regard to the operational critical positions of a unit, and the related critical support positions in the support organisation. The Human element is composed of four main aspects:

  • Structure and Responsibility: management structure, organisation;
  • Human Resources (HR) Management: job descriptions, recruitment, selection criteria and communication;
  • Training: demonstrate that there is an adequate system in place to train and educate staff/personnel;
  • Competence: demonstrate relevant knowledge, skills, abilities and experience.

Organization relates to the ability to manage the operations and answers questions such as: ‘Are relevant Management Systems in place?’, ‘Are risks identified and controlled?’, ‘How effective are the Management Systems?’, and ‘Is there sufficient support by management on behalf of the business operations?’ The Organization element is composed of four main aspects:

  • General Management: demonstrate that the management system is in place and in use at the operational unit, showing that management principles and processes are documented, distributed, implemented and improved over time;
  • Quality Management: demonstrate, in detail, the implementation and use of a Quality Management System (ISO 9001);
  • Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Management: demonstrate that Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Management forms an integral part of the generic management system (ISO 45001 and ISO 14001);
  • Asset Integrity and Maintenance (AIM) Management: demonstrate that Asset Integrity and Maintenance Management forms an integral part of the generic management system (ISO 55001).

Technology is composed of four aspects that cover all important factors that indicate, manage and demonstrate the equipment’s ability to perform in a sustainable manner in accordance with set objectives. The aspects represent the following:

  • Condition: What is the present physical condition?
  • Performance: Is the condition sufficient and acceptable in meeting HSE, operational and financial targets?
  • History: Why is the present condition as it is?
  • Life Cycle Management: How is the condition and due performance managed for future successful operations?
HSE Case Preparation and Review

How can we help?

For more information about our services, please contact Robert Boudewijn at or +31 6 51 07 73 82 or on LinkedIn.