Services / Business Continuity Management

Business Continuity Management

Business continuity is an organisation’s ability to maintain its essential functions during and after a disaster has occurred. Business continuity planning, as part of the organization’s resilience philosophy, establishes processes and procedures that aim to prevent interruptions to critical services. When such an interruption has occurred, your organization can only survive as it re-establishes its full function as quickly and smoothly as possible. The 2020 COVID-19 crisis has emphasised the importance of well-embedded plans in order to limit the negative effects of a pandemic.

Benefits of well-developed Business Continuity Management System are:

  • reduced costs;
  • less impact on business performance should something go wrong;
  • the ability to reassure clients, suppliers, regulators and other stakeholders;
  • improved business performance and organisational resilience, and
  • better understanding of the business through analysis of critical issues and areas of vulnerability.

To structure your business continuity, SyRiM will use the ISO 22301:2019 standard (Business Continuity Management – Requirements) and related guidelines, which bring together international best practices to help organizations effectively respond to, and recover from, disruptions.

The ISO 22301:2019 standard fits perfectly into the Operational Integrity Management System framework we use, which defines preparation for emergencies and emergency response.

Operational Integrity Services

How can we help?

For more information about our services, please contact Robert Boudewijn at or +31 6 51 07 73 82 or on LinkedIn.